Your Menopause Toolkit

A guide on what women can do to help symptoms in the Menopause on a desk.

Going through menopause is a significant life change and a daunting time – we're dealing with all sorts of unwanted changes to our bodies and minds.  It can take anywhere between 4 and 12 years for menopause to pass, so it's vital that we have the tools and strategies for coping with these changes and the symptoms we're all likely to experience.  The basic building blocks of a healthy lifestyle (at any age) are sleep, movement and diet, so if we can get these right we're giving ourselves the best chance.

A women in Menopause with insomnia, lying on a bed with her arms across her face shutting out the light.


Poor sleep is a really common menopause symptom and encompasses all sorts of issues such as falling asleep sleep, staying asleep, night sweats and overheating.  If we're sharing a bed and duvet with a partner, our own poor sleep patterns can impact them too, leading to relationship conflict.  One really easy change you can make is having separate duvets, which is far less drastic than going for separate beds.  Silk pillowcases can help keep us cool, while herbal teas can aid in drifting off to sleep.  Lavender oil is excellent for aiding poor sleep so there are aromatherapy angles to try as well.  If we can sort out our sleep patterns. we're much more able to deal with everything else life throws at us.


Women in menopause sits cross-legged in a yoga pose with her hands on her knees and her eyes closed in meditation.


Exercise is really important too.  We're not suggesting that doing a yoga class is going to cure all of your problems, but regular, varied exercise helps to keep our body and mind in good shape and at the same time, releases endorphins (“happy hormones”) that give us a much needed boost. There are thousands of easy exercise videos online, so you can work out in the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule. if you don’t wish to attend a class.


A woman in menopause holding onto her head and looking confusedly off camera indicating the symptom of Brain Fog

Cognitive fog, also known as brain fog, is something that affects almost every menopausal woman, and it can be the hardest symptom to accept and manage.  We may have spent the preceding three decades raising a family, carving out a career, managing a household and looking after ourselves, but now suddenly we find that we can't multi-task like we used to.  This can seriously undermine our self-esteem so it's vital to remember that it's completely normal and that we're not alone in experiencing this.  Try life planning apps, delegating responsibilities to other family members, and using sticky notes and reminders on the fridge for important things.

Diet and nutrition are hugely important when our bodies are changing.  Our metabolism will begin to slow down, so we need to make adjustments to our diets to maintain a healthy weight.  Getting the right balance of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals is vital and that's why we have created MenoShake™ to provide the balance you need.  Collagen and protein help to support the skin, bones, muscles and tendons while B vitamins can help improve brain function as well as supporting our energy levels.  Vitamins C and D are needed for our immune systems and they also help us absorb the other nutrients we need such as iron and calcium.

There are so many herbal supplements that can be helpful during menopause, including red clover, flaxseed and ginseng, that it can be hard to know what to try and where to start.  We've included many of these in MenoShake™ to make it easy and convenient to include them in your day to day living, without having to dedicate half a bathroom shelf to supplement bottles.

Finally, non-medical interventions such as magnets, meditation and alternative therapies are worth exploring as an extra set of tools for managing the many symptoms of menopause.


Disclaimer: This article does not provide medical advice.

The information contained in this article for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to replace or substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen and never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


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