Articles and Press

A woman makes the shape of a heart with both hands over her stomach.
As the saying goes, always trust your gut.  Your gut feelings (or intuition) usually offer more insight into a situation than over-thinking does, so it makes sense that your instinctive reactions are to be trusted.  Sometimes, however, we get a different kind of gut feeling...
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A close up of some hands holding an open book against the backdrop of a field.
The words we use to talk about menopause and the related symptoms often have negative connotations, and can actually make us feel worse about our experience because of the stigma associated with terms like “hot flush”.  Here we've collated some common...
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Back To Menopause School
We think being armed with up-to-date, relevant knowledge is so important when it comes to making decisions about our health, and in this age of disinformation it is so easy to get confused when we see and read lots of conflicting information on TV, in the papers and on social media...
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A man standing with his head in a fridge.

The menopause is an experience which causes massive upheaval in our lives.  With nearly a quarter of women leaving work because of the impact of their symptoms, and a shocking 13% having been put through a disciplinary procedure due to the impact of menopause symptoms on their work...

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A smiling woman in a towel relaxes with cucumber over her eyes.
Everyone is talking about self-care, and rightly so.  It is vital for managing our physical and mental wellbeing, ensuring we have a balance in our lives and that we don't neglect any of our needs.  This is all the more important during menopause as we are juggling the effects of hormonal fluctuations with work, children,...
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